姓 名:张雷 | ||||
技术职称:副研究员 | ||||
学位学历:博士研究生 | ||||
导师类别:硕士生导师 | ||||
联系电话: | ||||
邮 箱:zhanglei@scau.edu.cn |
研究方向: 花生生理生态、花生农情遥感监测、花生高产栽培及配套机械化
2002年 - 2007年 山东农业大学园艺学专业 学士
2007年 - 2012年 南京农业大学生态学专业 博士
2012年 - 2014年 中国农业科学院棉花研究所作物学 博士后
2014年 - 2016年 中国农业科学院棉花研究所
2016年 - 至今 澳门十大赌博正规官网
任国际期刊Computer and Electronic in Agriculture, Remote Sensing of Environment,Remote Sensing, Sensor和Agronomy等期刊审稿人
1.Ruier Zeng, Tingting Chen, Xinyue Wang, Jing Cao, Xi Li, Xueyu Xu, Lei Chen, Qing Xia, Yonglong Dong, Luping Huang, Leidi Wang, Jialei Zhang and Lei Zhang. Physiological and expressional regulation on photosynthesis, starch and sucrose metabolism response to waterlogging stress in peanut. Frontier in Plant Science. 2021, 12:601771. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.601771.
2. Tingting Chen, Huajian Zhang, Ruier Zeng, Xinyue Wang, Luping Huang, Leidi Wang, Xuewen Wang, and Lei Zhang. Shade effects on peanut yield associate with physiological and expressional regulation on photosynthesis and sucrose metabolism, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21, 5284; doi:10.3390/ijms21155284.
3. Ruier Zeng, Lei Chen, Xinyue Wang, Jing Cao, Xi Li, Xueyu Xu, Qing Xia, Tingting Chen and Lei Zhang. Effect of waterlogging stress on dry matter accumulation, photosynthesis characteristics, yield, and yield components in three different ecotypes of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Agronomy, 2020, 10, 1244; doi:10.3390/agronomy10091244.
4.Tingting Chen, Luping Huang, Miaomiao Wang, Yang Huang, Ruier Zeng, Xinyue Wang, Leidi Wang, Shubo Wan, Lei Zhang. Ethyl methyl sulfonate-induced mutagenesis and its effects on peanut agronomic, yield and quality traits, Agronomy, 2020, 10, 655; doi:10.3390/agronomy10050655.
5. Haixia Qi, Bingyu Zhu, Lingxi Kong, Weiguang Yang, Jun Zou, Yubin Lan, and Lei Zhang. Hyperspectral inversion model of chlorophyll content in peanut leaves, Applied Science, 2020, 10, 2259; doi:10.3390/app10072259.
6.Tingting Chen, Weiguang Yang, Huajian Zhang, Bingyu Zhu, Ruier Zeng, Xinyue Wang, Shuaibin Wang, Leidi Wang, Haixia Qi, Yubin Lan, Lei Zhang. Early detection of bacterial wilt in peanut plants through leaf-level hyperspectral and unmanned aerial vehicle data. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2020, 177: 105708. doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105708.
7.Tingting Chen, Ruier Zeng, Wenxuan Guo, Xueying Hou, Yubin Lan, Lei Zhang. Detection of stress in cotton caused by aphids using leaf level hyperspectral measurements, Sensors, 2018,18, 2798.
8.Tingting Chen, Jialei Zhang, Yong Chen, Shubo Wan, Lei Zhang. Detection of peanut leaf spots disease using canopy hyperspectral reflectance. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2019, 156: 677–683.
9. Lei Zhang, Zhiguo Zhou, Guowei Zhang, Yali Meng, Binglin Chen, Youhua Wang. Effect of soil salinity on physiological characteristics of cotton plants, Journal of Plant Research, 2013, 126(2):293-304.
10.Lei Zhang, Huijuan Ma, Tingting Chen, Jun Pen, Shuxun Yu, Xinhua Zhao. Morphological and physiological responses of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plants to salinity, PLOS ONE, 2014, 10.1371/journal.pone.0112807.
11. Lei Zhang, Zhiguo Zhou, Guowei Zhang, Yali Meng, Binglin Chen, Youhua Wang. Monitoring cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaf water content and specific leaf weight with leaf spectral reflectance in saline soil, European Journal of Agronomy, 2012, 41: 103-117.
12.董永龙,尉婧,张佳蕾,陈婷婷,曾瑞儿,王鑫悦,王蕾迪,万书波,张 雷. 华南地区不同粒数穴播方式对花生籽仁发育的影响, 花生学报2020, 49 (1): 59-65.
13. 曾瑞儿,王鑫悦,侯雪蓥,蔚婧,侯晓蕾,陈婷婷,张 雷. 硅对干旱胁迫下花生幼苗生长和生理特性的影响, 花生学报, 2018,47(4):13-18.
14. 梁晋,刘仕元,王帅彬,黄露平,张佳蕾,吴启宝,郭峰,孟维伟,陈婷婷,漆海霞,王蕾迪, 张正,万书波,张 雷. 基于无人机遥感的花生氮营养反演研究. 中国油料作物学报, 2020,42(6):1043-1050
15. 陈婷婷,王苗苗,黄 杨,曾瑞儿,王鑫悦,张 雷. 花生种质农艺、产量和品质性状的综合评价,花生学报,2020, 49(4)
1. 广东省花生大豆产业技术体系耕作制度岗位专家团队(2019KJ136-05),2019-2023,主持
2. 广东省重点领域研发计划子课题:田间作物生长精准管控关键技术研究与示范(2019B020214003),2019-2023,主持
3. 中国工程院咨询项目子课题:我国经济作物科技与产业发展存在问题研究,2019-2020,主持
4. 国家发展与改革委员会子课题,基于北斗的棉花水肥遥感监测技术研究,2018-2020,主持