姓 名:潘庆华 | ||||
技术职称:教授 | ||||
学位学历:博士研究生 | ||||
导师类别:博士生导师、硕士生导师 | ||||
联系电话:86-20-85288315 | ||||
邮 箱:panqh@scau.edu.cn |
潘庆华 博士 教授、博士生导师,澳门十大赌博正规官网稻瘟病研究中心主任,作物遗传育种学科植物抗病遗传学研究室主任
1983年 澳门十大赌博正规官网 学士学位
1994年 日本京都大学 硕士学位
1998年 日本京都大学 博士学位
1998年后 泰国国家遗传工程及生物技术中心 博士后;
1999年- 澳门十大赌博正规官网 任教
2005年 广东省特聘教授(珠江学者)
2011年后 广东省科学技术二等奖
1. Zhang Y,# Zhu Q,# Yao Y,# Zhao Z, Correll J, Wang L, Pan Q.* 2017. The race structure of the rice blast pathogen across southern and northeastern China. Rice 10: 46.(Citations: 0)
2. Liang Z,Wang L,Pan Q.* 2016. A new recessive gene conferring resistance against rice blast. Rice 9: 47.(Citations: 3)
3. Zhang S, # Wang L, # Wu W, # He L, Yang X,Pan Q.* 2015.Function and evolution of Magnaportheoryzaea virulence gene AvrPib responding to the rice blast resistance gene Pib.Scientific Reports 5: 11642.(Citations: 26)
4. Wu W, #Wang L, #Zhang S, #Li Z, Zhang Y, Lin F,Pan Q.* 2014. Stepwise arms race betweenAvrPik andPik alleles in the rice blast pathosystem.Mol Plant-Microbe Interact 27:759-769. (Most downloaded paper)(Citations: 15)
5.Zhai C, #Zhang Y, #Yao N, Lin F, Liu Z, Dong Z, Wang L,Pan Q.*2014. Function and interaction of the coupled genes responsible for thePik-h encoded blast resistance of rice.Plos One 9: e98067.(Citations: 28)
6.Hua L, Wu J, Chen C, Wu W, He X, Lin F,Wang Li,Ashikawa I, Matsumoto T, Wang L, *Pan Q.*2012.The isolation of Pi1, an allele at thePiklocus which confers broad spectrum resistance to rice blast.TheorAppl Genet125: 1047-1055.(Citations: 92)
7. Yuan B, #Zhai C, # Wang W, Zeng X, Xu X, Hu H, Lin F, Wang L,Pan Q.* 2011. ThePik-p resistance toMagnaportheoryzae in rice is mediated by a pair of closely linked CC-NBS-LRR genes.TheorAppl Genet122: 1017-1028.(Citations: 132)
8.Zhai C,Lin F, Dong Z, He X, Yuan B, Zeng X, Wang L,Pan Q.* 2011. The isolation and characterization ofPik, a rice blast resistance gene which emerged after rice domestication.New Phytologist189: 321-334.(Most cited paper)(Citations: 153)
9. Lin F, Chen S, Que Z, Wang L, Liu X,Pan Q.*2007. The blast resistance genePi37 encodes a nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat protein and is a member of a resistance gene cluster on rice chromosome 1.Genetics 177: 1871-1880.(Citations: 184)
10. Liu X, Lin F, Wang L,Pan Q.*2007. Thein silico map-based cloning ofPi36, a rice coiled-coil- nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich repeat gene that confersrace-specific resistance to the blast fungus.Genetics 176: 2541-2549.(Citations: 219)
1. 潘庆华,张树林,何丽云,杨先锋,王玲.稻瘟病菌无毒基因AvrPib特异性分子标记及其方法与应用. (专利号:ZL201410570496.6;2017-01-18授权)
2.潘庆华,张玉,林菲,杨先锋,曾晓珊,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因Pia功能特异性分子标记及其方法与应用. (专利号:ZL201210163881.X;2014-09-24授权)
3.潘庆华,潘金媚,张玉,林菲,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因Pia-C功能特异性分子标记及其方法与应用. (专利号:ZL201210164522.6;2013-12-25授权)
4.潘庆华,陈彩霞,翟纯,林菲,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因Pik-s功能特异性分子标记PiksFNP及其方法与应用. (专利号:ZL201210118460.5;2013-12-25授权)
5.潘庆华,翟纯,林菲,董忠秋,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因Pik及其应用. (专利号:ZL201010105686.2;2012-12-19授权)
6.潘庆华,王玲,袁斌,徐晓可,林菲.稻瘟病抗性基因Pik-p及其应用. (专利号:ZL200910236466.0;2012-12-19授权)
7.潘庆华,甘霖,翟纯,林菲,王玲.稻瘟病抗性基因Pi7及其应用. (专利号:ZL201010578633.2;2012-11-14授权)
1、主要农作物抗病虫抗逆性状形成的分子基础(2016ZY03002375)/2016-2020 /国家重点研发计划
2、抗病转基因水稻新品种培育(2016ZX08001-002-005)/ 2016-2020/国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项
3、稻瘟病隐性抗病新基因pi55的精细定位及克隆(31471175)/2015-2018 /国家自然科学基金
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